• The Roles Of Data Preservation In Enhancing The Efficiency Of Secretarial Function In Selected Banks

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    •   This research work was undertaken to find out the roles of data preservation in enhancing the efficiency of secretarial function in selected banks in Enugu Metropolis.
                  In doing this, the researcher evaluated the various methods of data preservation their advantages and disadvantages and the functions of a secretary in an organization. The researcher collected data from primary and secondary source. Through the primary source of data questionnaire was used to elicit appropriate information from the respondents (secretaries) in selected banks in Enugu metropolis. Secondary source of data collection in the form of textbooks, lecture notes, handbooks and journals were used to explain the topic.
                  The data was analyzed using simple percentages and tables and statements. Findings from the study revealed that majority of the respondents use computerized method of data preservation while minority uses electromechanical  and manual method. It was equally revealed that users of manual method face varying problems such as time wastage and  monotony while computer users face problems such as retraining and complexity. In view of this, it was concluded that computerized method is the most effective method of data preservation. And the method was recommend to be used in banks so as to enhance the efficiency of secretarial function.

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1       BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY            According to the Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English data is information prepared for and operated on a computer programmer.            The preservation of data is as old as man himself. In the earlier times, men were capable of storing information in their brains and passing them on form one person to another by mouths. But the more authentic one were data inscribed on stone tab ... Continue reading---