• The Roles Of Data Preservation In Enhancing The Efficiency Of Secretarial Function In Selected Banks

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    •   In 1671, a German Philosopher and mathematician, Gothfried leibniz conceived a calculating machine but the machine was completed in 1674 this was known as Libniz machine and was useful in arithmetic procedures.
                  The search for satisfactory data processing and preserving machine continued until in 1909 when Charles Kettering developed for the national cash register company the first accounting machine called the teller. The teller machine was used for certifying passbooks using a tabulating carriage, the machine could sort data into a number of columns in addition to performing the functions of recording, calculating and summarizing.
                  All these machines discussed above although efficient had limitations. They were manual rather than  automatic. They laid the foundation on which the modern electronic computers were built.
                  In 1802 a French man named Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a weaving loom called Jacquard’s automatic loom. This textile loom was responsible for making famous the wearing trade. The punch card with punch holes supplied instructions which controlled trade selection and directed pattern designs
                  In 1917 Charles Babbage an English mathematician designed the first machine that used the punch card in solving mathematical problems. This innovation can equally be used as a memory or storage unit that can store data in the form of holes punched in cards.
                  However, the effectiveness of this machine was limited by slowness and mechanical difficulties. These restrictions were overcome by the next development in data a preservation history – the invention of electronic computer.
                  In 1954, the first type of computer called UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) was directed to a business enterprise. They were designed to handle vast quantities of data typical of business speed, output and preservation. Over the years, files and cabinets have been used to preserve data too.
                  The development of banking services in Nigeria  also passed several stages. In these stages of development manual method of data preservation was used. In manual data preservation human efforts is combined with simple office tools to perform the operation.
                  However, today the major banks in operations in Enugu are the First Bank of Nigeria plc, Union Bank for Africa Plc, the Africa continental Bank plc, the international Bank for Wes Africa (IBWA) Plc presently in these banks, data is being preserved in the Hard Disc or Floppy Disc which is used by the computers as well as manually.
                  It is on record that there are many methods of preserving data in banks. This study is directed towards identifying the various methods of preserving data, the roles and efficiency of these methods.

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]  This research work was undertaken to find out the roles of data preservation in enhancing the efficiency of secretarial function in selected banks in Enugu Metropolis.            In doing this, the researcher evaluated the various methods of data preservation their advantages and disadvantages and the functions of a secretary in an organization. The researcher collected data from primary and secondary source. Through the primary source of data questionnaire was used to elicit appro ... Continue reading---