• The Effect Of Industrial Work Experience On Student In Tertiary Institution

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    •  The main aim of this project is to find out the effects of students industrial work experience scheme to the students in tertiary institutions in Federal Polytechnic Oko in Anambra State.              The researcher considered whether students actually receive practical training in industries and how far the training has assisted in improving their performance in school.              In chapter two the view of various writers that were relative to the topic were stated and reviewed.              Questionnaire items were used to collect information from the respondents, which were analyzed by simple percentages.              In chapter three, three hundred students were selected and supervised and only two hundred and twenty returned their questionnaires that were distributed to them.  Also instrument used for data collection, method of data analysis and the sampling techniques all contained in this chapter.              Chapter four deals with the analysis and interpretation of results which were analyzed by simple percentages.              Finally, in chapter five, conclusions, recommendations and references were included.
  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1              BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYStudents industrial work Experience scheme (SIWES) was introduced in 1973 by the Federal Military Government under the auspices and direct supervision of industrial Training fund (ITF).The scheme is presently 32 years old and it is meant for technocrats.            The scheme aimed at exposing students pursuing professional courses in institutions of Higher learning under real office situation, work ethnics an ... Continue reading---