The Influence Of Fathering Style On Social Adjustment Among Adolescents
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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1.3 Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is
mainly to examine the influence of fathering styles on social adjustment
among adolescents in Surulere LED, in Lagos State. Other specific
objective are:
1. To determine whether fathering styles influence adolescents’ social adjustment.
2. Examine the extent gender difference exists due to fathering styles.
3. To find out whether religion affect the fathering styles of parents.
4. Determine whether cultural impact on fathering styles affects the social adjustment of children.
5. To identify different types of fathering styles.
1.4 Research Questions The following questions were raised for the conduct of this study:
1. Will fathering styles influence the early pregnancy of girls?
2. Does fathering styles influence adolescents social adjustment?
3. To what extent does gender difference in fathering style affect the academic achievement of the girl child?
4. Will religion affect the fathering styles of parents?
5. To what extent will cultural impact on fathering styles affect the social adjustment of adolescents?
6. How can we identify types of fathering styles?
1.5 Research Hypotheses The following research hypotheses were formulated to conduct this study:
1. There is no significant influence of fathering styles on social adjustment of adolescents.
2. There is no significant impact of fathering styles on proneness to early pregnancy among female adolescents.
3. There is no significant cultural impact of fathering styles on social adjustment of adolescents.
4. There is no significant influence of religious impact on fathering style on social adjustment of adolescents.
1.6 Significance of the Study The study will be significant in several ways thus:
Fathers: This study will enable fathers to be more aware of the fact
that they need to gather their children, especially the girls very well
so as to avoid premarital sexual activities, pregnancy and abortion
which may claim their lives. This study will help fathers to know the
different patterns of rearing a child and to adopt the best pattern they
deem fit.
2. The Findings of this study will help
adolescents, especially, girls to know that they need to be nurtured by
their fathers and to come to terms with the fact that they could end up
in becoming mothers if they re badly brought up or nurtured by poor
fathering style.
3. The findings and recommendations of
this study would assist teachers who are themselves parents, to imbibe
the culture of training their children/wards very well, bringing them up
in the normal way that could make them adaptive to normal systems of
the society and to grow as responsible adults.
Counsellors will see this study as reference material in that it will
help them to use the recommendations in this study to help adolescents
who have different problems as a result of being under the yoke of bad
5. Society will find the recommendation of
this study as important in making them to draw inference on the best way
of fathering a child. Also, scholars and neophytes in research will
find this study a reference and relevant material in doing further work
on related issues.
1.7 Scope of Study The study will cover the
influence of fathering styles on social adjustment among adolescents in
Surulere LED, of Lagos State.
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This study examined the influence of fathering style on social adjustment among adolescents in Surulere LED of Lagos State.Four hypotheses were formulated to guide the study.To achieve this aim, the researcher formulated four hypothesis to guide the study:There is no significant influence of fathering styles on social adjustment of adolescents.There is no significant impact of fathering styles on proneness to early pregnancy among female adolescents.There is no significant cultural impact on fat ... Continue reading---