Knowledge Of Sex Education Among Adolescents In Secondary Schools
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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adolescents are at high risk in one or more self-destructive behaviour
such as unsafe sex, experimentation in sex, failure or dropping out of
school due to teenage pregnancy and childbearing. Some of the behaviour
according to Igbokwe (2012) could be sometimes attributed to lack of
basic education concerning sex and sexuality thereby making the
knowledge of sex education imperative.
Although formal sex education
have been introduced by many countries to be taught as a full course as
part of the curriculum in secondary schools as efforts to ameliorate
problems associated with sexuality, it is partially taught as only one
unit within a more comprehensive school subject such as Biology, Home
economics, Health science or Physical and health education in Nigeria.
This to a large extent has an impact on the sexuality knowledge of
in-school adolescents.
Sex education is very important to adolescents
and our secondary schools is the place where young boys and girls are
trained both in character and in learning (Herman, 1999) but suffice is
to say that sex, abortion, teenage pregnancy and other juvenile
delinquency have made the above objective unrealistic considering the
likelihood that adolescents in secondary schools in Benin City may not
be an exception.
It is against this background that it becomes important to ascertain the knowledge of in-school adolescents in Benin City.
The problem associated with lack of inadequate knowledge on sex and
sexuality matters are enormous which are evidently obvious in the
incidence of teenage pregnancy, abortion among adolescents, sexually
transmitted infection (STIs), school desertion caused by unwanted
pregnancy, poverty perpetuation due to jeopardy of education which
results from pregnancy, child abuse and neglect, child battering, child
mortality and maternal deprivation frequent among offspring of teenage
parents among others.
Some if not all of the above problems
to some extent is caused by the lack of skill to negotiate safe sexual
practices since the involvement of adolescents both boys and girls in
sexual relationship is no longer new and this perhaps why Owie (2005)
stated that the issue of boy and girl relationship such as dating,
courting and choice of future partners should be critically addressed.
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The study investigated the level of knowledge of sex education among in-school adolescents in Benin City looking at the influences which gender, class level and school-type whether single sex school or mixed sex school has on the level of knowledge of sex education. Cross sectional survey research design was adopted to study 120 students who were selected to represent the population which comprise all in- school adolescents in Benin City. A self-developed questionnaire was used to collect data f ... Continue reading---