• A Statistical Appraisal Accident Rate

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • The aim of this project is to analyze the appraisal of road traffic accident rate on Enugu – Onitsha Express Road.
                The data on the number of recorded road traffic accident rate on Enugu – Onitsha Express road from 1995 – 2002 was collected and organized on quarters.
                The trend equation was calculated from the date, which follows linear trend with the trend values, the seasonal indexes for the four seasons of the year was calculated.
                Projection of the value and forecasting with the trend value equations and seasonal index was not left out.

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]There are factors that lead to road accident.Unsafe Driver:       Unsafe driver is a driver that drives under the influence of alcohol or drugs feeling sleepy, carelessly distracted, pot whole, driving with uncorrected vision or hearing.Hazardous Driving Condition:   Hazardous driving condition is driving under stormy weather.  Sleeping road surface, darkness, narrow roads.Unsafe Driving Practices:          This is driving above the speed limit, turning without si ... Continue reading---