• A Statistical Appraisal Accident Rate

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    • There are factors that lead to road accident.
      Unsafe Driver:       Unsafe driver is a driver that drives under the influence of alcohol or drugs feeling sleepy, carelessly distracted, pot whole, driving with uncorrected vision or hearing.
      Hazardous Driving Condition:   Hazardous driving condition is driving under stormy weather.  Sleeping road surface, darkness, narrow roads.
      Unsafe Driving Practices:          This is driving above the speed limit, turning without signaling, following the car ahead too closely.
      Unsafe condition with an automobile:  Brakes failure, unsafe steering gear, worn-out tires, over loading and driver without light at night is also one of the major features of road accident is a high proportion of severe multiple injuries, gotten.  However motor accident rate may constitute a growing problem in our society, perhaps scrunching of traffic regulation equipment facilities shall be improved the state.
      In the past, in the time of our fore father the rate of road accident was very small because they were uncivilized; there was very few motor vehicles, good road etc.
                In this modern time, there is hardly a day without accident, go to road safety office, and see the number of people that is being hospitalized, mainly the value of goods lost by Enugu – Onitsha Express accident victims, not to talk of those that have lost their limes because of accident that occur on this road.
                At this juncture, one may ask at what season of the year or month people normally have accident, and what factors influence the road accident and how many people may be admitted into the hospital or the value of crude deaths rate will it not increase from day to day on this road in future.
                Awareness of all these things may make the government to know how much to budget for maintain of these road or maintenance of road facilities, provision of emergency services and how best to control road accident and suppress it to the lowest rate of occurring.
                Nowadays, it appears that the tendency of accident occurring is greater than it was in the previous decades.
                New invention is the main factors that attribute to it many people are miss using it.  Also illiteracy of the drivers. Lack of vehicle maintenance, bad roads, one way traffic inexperience etc.
                Against this background, I decided to carry out a study on the value of accident rate in Enugu – Onitsha Express Road in order to investigate some of the above maintained issues.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The aim of this project is to analyze the appraisal of road traffic accident rate on Enugu – Onitsha Express Road.          The data on the number of recorded road traffic accident rate on Enugu – Onitsha Express road from 1995 – 2002 was collected and organized on quarters.          The trend equation was calculated from the date, which follows linear trend with the trend values, the seasonal indexes for the four seasons of the year was calculated.     ... Continue reading---