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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research project is a very crucial study for the Nigeria government owned companies. The study was motivated by the necessity to solve this problems of perceived necessity to solve this problems of perceived ineffective management in government owned companies in Nigeria. To solve the research problems, both primary and secondary data were collected the instruments used in collecting the data were Questionnaires and oral interviews. The respondent comprised the personnel, distributors and consumers of the company’s products. The following hypotheses were tested. Data analysis and i ... Continue Reading


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Production is not complete until the goods get to consumers for whom they are meant. A typical firm will discover that the consumers of its product are scattered abroad. The firms decisions to distribute its products directly through own sales outlets or indirectly through marketing intermediaries ie (Wholesalers or retailers) alone in not enough to the goods to consumers the firms has to ensure that the products are actually available at or made available to the distribution outlets.Adequate care has to be taken of the produc ... Continue Reading