• Analysis Of The Problems Of Petroleum Products Distribution In Nigeria

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      The following are the research questions of the study which was investigates.
      What quality of petroleum that is most preferable in Enugu metropolis? This is the first attempt made by the researcher to get research question about the type of petroleum of oil quality needed among the consumers of the product.
      What variables do consumers consider when buying the products?
      Here the researcher to use this, whish is based as the nature of planning is being considered among the people or the consumers of the products.
      What are the causes of problems in the distribution of petroleum in Nigeria? What is to be considered as the solution to this problem of petroleum distribution in Nigeria on Enugu Metropolis? Why is it that government in conjunction with “NNPC” recruit inadequate workers for the production of this fuel distribution?
      Does the NNPC branches to produces oil in Nigeria Port-Harcourt, Warri and Kaduna Manage the company well, if so why thin the problem of petroleum distribution affect them?
      The study is of great importance is that any study carried out in the marketing and distribution of petroleum product would be of significance to all and sundry in the country and Enugu metropolis in particular because of its economic implication.
      The study is concerned with identifying the problems of physical distribution and the ways in which the problem could be solved so as to ensure a lasting solution to the problem.
      It will assist the oil marketers and dialers to petroleum to improve on their distribution of petrol in Enugu metropolis. Because if these problem will be solved it will benefit the consumers to carryout their marketing programmes.
      This study will be of immense benefit to organization that deals on petroleum products in Enugu metropolis and to determine the extent of their oil and petroleum effectiveness. In addition, the study will determine the factors or problems limiting petroleum production distribution of the marketing organization. It is expected that the findings will help to bridge any gap that may exist and to make these petroleum organizations in Enugu metropolis more effective. And more efficient in planning and execution of petroleum policies.
      Through this research conducted or investigated the oil / petroleum marketing organizations will understand their shortcomings, problems and weak points and will subsequently adopt measures aimed at enhancing their petroleum distribution effectively and the government should be in position to adopt the right strategies to enable petroleum product distribution marketing organization achieve better goals.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research project is a very crucial study for the Nigeria government owned companies. The study was motivated by the necessity to solve this problems of perceived necessity to solve this problems of perceived ineffective management in government owned companies in Nigeria. To solve the research problems, both primary and secondary data were collected the instruments used in collecting the data were Questionnaires and oral interviews. The respondent comprised the personnel, distributors and c ... Continue reading---