• A Statistical Analysis On The Effects Of Industrial Training (i.t)

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      This study will be beneficial to the students, industries, institution, government and society.
      If the study shows that the positive effects are greater than the negative effects, then the students will go for I.T with right motives thereby being useful to the industries, representing the institution well (even in future), fulfilling the desire of the government and meeting the needs of the poor masses (society).
      But if otherwise, then it should be looked into whether to scrap it and provide an alternative measure or not.
      1.5   SCOPE OF THE STUDY.
      For the effectiveness of this study, I have wished to carryout this research in one department in each of the schools of the institution – Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri.
      That is, the population consists of:
      vOne department in School of Industrial and Applied Sciences.
      vOne department is School of Engineering Technology.
      vOne department in School of Environmental Technology
      vOne department in School of Business.
      The period considered in the study is 2007/2008 academic session.
      Some weaknesses tried to hinder me form carrying out this study. But with more effort, I was able to do my best.
      The difficulties resulted from financial constraints, material limitation (i.e. unavailability of materials) and lack of time due to the shortness of the semester and other works on the table.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research was carried out to study the effects of Industrial Training on HND I students, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri.The study used a primary data collected by means of mail questionnaire of 15 questions.A sample size of 206 students out of a population of 425 students determined by Yamani’s approach was used for this study which was selected by means of stratified random sampling.It was noticed from the data analysis that students strongly support Industrial Training and that ... Continue reading---