• Time Series Analysis On The Rate Of Typhoid Fever

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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             The following are the aims and objectives of this study.
      1            To estimate the trend of the disease (typhoid fever) whether it is increasing or decreasing for this period of 2001-2010.
      2            To estimate the seasonal variation of the recorded cases of typhoid fever from 2001-2010.
      3            To predict rate of prevalent in future.
             This project is significant in the sense that health problem imposed by typhoid fever in this part of the world makes it a serious health issue that requires adequate attention and care. This research work will be of great significance in the following ways:
      -      This study will help the hospital management, the state government and the general public to know the particular months or quarter of the year that were mostly affected by typhoid fever in order to carryout enlightenment campaign towards reducing the incidence of the disease.
      -      If the trend of reported cases of typhoid fever is found to be on increase, it will enable the hospital management to put intensify effort towards applying more preventive measures in order to combat the disease.
      Ho:  There is no significant increase in the trend of recorded cases of typhoid fever from 2001-2010
      Hi:  There is significant increase in the trend of recorded cases of typhoid fever from 2001-2010.
      Ho:  There is no seasonal variation in the recorded cases of typhoid fever from 2001-2010
      Hi:  There is seasonal variation in the recorded cases of typhoid fever from 2001-2010.
      1.6  SCOPE OF STUDY
             This study is designed to cover Aba, the commercial city of Abia state. Aba is a city and a big trading center in Abia state. It will also cover a period of ten (10) years (2001-2010).
             The major limitation to this research work was basically on the collection of data and information is regarded as confidential, besides there was inadequate asses to the data due to reluctant attitude of the hospital medical record department to release the data on time as well as the limited available literature which the researcher was able to lay her hands on after much time wasted.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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