Sample Survey On The Use Of Contraceptiives Drugs Among Female Student Of Faculty Of Science
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]
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1. To
determine if there exists a linear correlation among the different
department of faculty of science and the use of contraceptive.
2. To know the best method to be used between the measure of central tendency and the stratified techniques.
3. To test for the significant different that exists between student and the attitude towards the contraceptives use.
the inception of this work, I envisaged little problem to arise knowing
that the people deal with are highly educated ones. The major problem
that was encountered was resistance from few ones to fill the
questionnaire but due to a little encouragement and enlightment some saw
the topic as very interesting, while some still showed embarrassment. A
few numbers of respondents gave religions reason for the non-response
to some questions. Some female respondents, especially some ignore at
some of the questions because of their personal nature.
major problem that was encountered includes those of non-response and
missing questionnaire. Having follow them up for about 4 days in their
department to retrieve the questionnaire but due to carelessness on
their part explained how it got miss during rush hours of classed and
lecture period. Although I anticipated a 5% loss. However, many of these
constraints were overcome by patience and humility on the part of the
researcher to ensure that we can be sure of a reliable and scientific
purpose of embanking on this project is for the benefit of the student,
society, government etc. This motivated me to do work on sample survey
to show that survey work is good in enumerating the number of student
that is using contraceptive drugs among female student especially
excerpt people that is use it in the faculty of science.
eliciting for information, the method used was the questionnaire. A
core comparable questions already developed and tested in the form of a
questionnaire was employed.
One hundred copies of the questionnaire
were printed and administered in different department of faculty of
science in the polytechnic. These included, departments of mathematics
& statistics, food science technology, micro biology, Applied
chemistry and science laboratory technology. The distribution of the
questionnaire was mostly done by the researcher himself, although with
the help of two of his friends.
The questionnaire contained 31
questions which was divided into 2 main section, personal data and
knowledge or altitude of student towards contraceptive. About 13 of the
questions were closed ended and 15 open ended. This was inevitable due
to the nature of the research in studying their attitude toward
contractive drugs. To ensure that respondents fill free to answer the
question the name of the respondents was not required.
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]
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ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This project has the aim of studying the uses of contraception drug among female student of faculty of science in Osun State Polytechnic, Iree. The study employed the use of statistical method like measure of central tendency, stratified sampling techniques, analysis of variance (ANOVA), co-efficiencies of correlations. The result of the analysis shows that there is relationship between the student and their attitude towards contraceptives. ... Continue reading---