Sample Survey On The Use Of Contraceptiives Drugs Among Female Student Of Faculty Of Science
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]
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as a method or means of reducing family size is an issue that almost
everybody knows about. To ensure that every grown up man and woman use
it will be nothing but hyperbolizing the concept. The knowledge of
contraceptive does not however lead invariably to adoption of
contraception. It is therefore essential to develop effective programs
that provide accurate reproductive health information and useful
services to young people who have been largely left out of the family
planning revolution.
Young ladies therefore should both be guided and
encouraged to postpone sex or provide them necessary effective method
of contraceptive. Although many people think that providing family
planning services to youth will promote promiscuity. There is no
evidence for that yet. The high incidence of premarital sexuality is
attributable to increasing moral attitudes and the slacking blocking of
traditional requirement for premarital casualty. An ever increasing
number of adolescent migrate from rural homes to urban centres in search
of job opportunities for higher learning or apprenticeship, this
breaking away from constraints traditionally applied by family members
and village communicates, evidence from the 2009 (Nigeria Demographical
Health Survey (NDHS) has not only confirmed the high incidence of
premarital sexuality in urban centres but also has revealed that the
incidence of premarital sexual behaviour is not limited to urban
centres. These youth typically engage in sexual relations with out
contemplating the dangerous consequences which include unwanted
pregnancies, abortions, AID (Acquired Immunes Deficiency Syndrome) and
other sexuality transmitted diseases.
In response of these issues the
International community at the International Conference on Population
and Development (ICPD) in 2009, for the trust time recognized formally
that adolescent reproductive and sexual health involves a specific set
of needs distinct from adult needs. The ICPD also stressed that
previously health service has largely ignored young people need
consequently the programme of action emphasized that young people of
both sexes are typically poorly informed about how to protect themselves
from unwanted pregnancies and sexuality transmitted diseases as
mentioned earlier.
Therefore, this suggests the need to provide young
people with comprehensive information and access to services in the
country. It is however on this bases that this research was designed to
indeptly study the positive and negative attitude of students have
towards the use of contraceptives drugs.
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]
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ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This project has the aim of studying the uses of contraception drug among female student of faculty of science in Osun State Polytechnic, Iree. The study employed the use of statistical method like measure of central tendency, stratified sampling techniques, analysis of variance (ANOVA), co-efficiencies of correlations. The result of the analysis shows that there is relationship between the student and their attitude towards contraceptives. ... Continue reading---