Physiochemical And Sensory Evaluation Of Cookies Produced From Blends Of Malted Sorghum, Sprouted Black Beans And Cooked Cocoyam Flour, Proximate Analysis, Minerals
CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]CHAPTER ONE1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDYOver the years the production of cookies of various types has improved with the advancement of new technology in most of the manufacturing industries in Nigeria; the cookies industries tend to be the most popular among most of the manufacturing industries in Nigeria.Cookies vary with types, method of production and the materials used in the manufacturing process; the ingredient used in the production of biscuits is different from those used in the production of ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]CHAPTER ONE1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDYOver the years the production of cookies of various types has improved with the advancement of new technology in most of the manufacturing industries in Nigeria; the cookies industries tend to be the most popular among most of the manufacturing industries in Nigeria.Cookies vary with types, method of production and the materials used in the manufacturing process; the ingredient used in the production of biscuits is different from those used in the production of ... Continue reading---
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