• A Quality Analysis Of The Thickness Of Part And Corrugated Asbestors Roofing Sheets

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • 1.2       PURPOSE OF THE STUDY
                  Consumers of goods and services rely on quality standard products displayed for consumers.  What is responsible for this trend?  Is statistical quality control standard still made use of in industries?  This are what this research project intend to solve and make appropriate recommendation.
      The project research will
      1.         Determine the process standards and establish the process capability
      2.         Check if the process average and variability are under control in respect of the measurement of flat sheet.
      3.         Check if the process average and variability are under control in respect of the measurement of corrugated sheets
      4.         Set up appropriate control charts for monitoring the future output of the process.
      1.3              SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
      The significance of this research work is to provide information for the management to fine – tune its quality policy concerning their products as obtained in this analysis of this research work.  This will be of benefits t o the producers and consumers as well.
                  There have been complaints and doubts that most asbestos roofing sheets in recent times full short of required standard, also whether established standardize are still maintained.  This was as a result of reported cases of easy damage and non-durable nature of these sheets.
                  In view of this, the researcher intends to carry out this research using Emenite Limited Enugu as a case study.
      H0:       The process is under control in respect of the average and variability of the measurement of flat sheets.
      H1:     The process is not under control in respect of the average and variability of the measurement of flat sheets
      H0:     The process is under control in respect of the average and variability of the measurement of corrugated sheets
      H1:     The process is not under control in respect of the average and variability of the measurement of corrugated sheets.
      1.6      SCOPE OF THE STUDY
                 The scope of this study is limited to Emenite only in order to conclude the research work at the assigned period and the findings will be used to infer on the industry.
      VARIATION:           This is a deviation from the normal standard or condition
      DATA:                      These are sets of figures, raw information that is yet to be processed.  e.g population data, employment data etc.
      CONTROL CHARTS:           It is the graphical display of the actual measurement of the characteristic on a chart showing limit which reflect the process capability on the particular quality characteristics.
      PROCESS CONTROL:         This is the act of observing the functions of each of the factors leading to the production of goods on a continuous basis to ensure the process or means of production are kept in optimum conditions.
      PRODUCT CONTROL:        Product control is the act of measuring or observing different attributes of quality specification of a product with the aim of ensuring that the product conform to specification.  This is done of taking a sample from a batch of inspection lot with the aim of accepting or rejecting it.
      STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL:      This is the technique of sampling at every stage of production and statistical inferences are taken about the variability of the product quality.
      PROCESS CAPABILITY:    This is the mini9mum spread of specific measurement variation which will include about 99.73% of all measurements from the process.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This project work is designed to give an insight into the application of statistical quality control in the building products industries in order to help manufacturers understand the importance of applying statistical techniques in controlling quality products.  In addition to make consumers have faith in standard quality of products they buy.            It must also be remembered that goods are competitive, for producers to excel in the competitive market; their products must match ... Continue reading---