Analysis Of Reported Cases Of Crime (1996 To 2003)
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]
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Crime is any act that is contrary to the law, which can lead one to punish accordingly. Nigeria is a country where things work on a reversible order. Some crimes are punishable by law, depend on the country. In our state (Enugu) to be precisely, some offences like cheating, rigging of election, stealing, advance free frauds (419), and many more are tend to be in reverse other.Any citizen that fall under crime may be punish depend on how the state used to punish their offenders, due to neglection. The rate of crime in Nigeria is a nagging one, such that it will be difficult to known the real criminals. However the word crime compasses the acts which are contrary to the law and the principle of National Justice, since the society has streamline crime to only armed robbery.
It is the reported case of crime committed in the country, recorded. This is a research work which seeks to convey out an analysis of reported cases of crime from the year 1996 to 2003.
To critically examine whether the crime in Enugu state exhibit or display a trend.
To compare the rate of crime between one class of crime and another.
To find out whether the class of crime is independent or dependent of sex.
To ascertain if seasons contributed to number of crime committed.
FELONY (Crime against person)
MISDEAMOUR (Offence against properties)
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]
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