• A Statistical Analysis Of Reported Cases Of Sexually Transmitted Disease

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • 1.7     ASSUMPTIONS
      i.                That is an existence of sexually transmitted disease (STDS) virus
      ii.              Attempts on how to prevent or cure the sexually transmitted diseases (STDS) have been made.
      iii.            Maximum cooperation is needed from all and sundry.
      i.        STDS:          Sexually Transmitted Diseases
      ii.       AIDS:          Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
      iii.      HIV:            Human Immunodeficiency Virus
      iv.      VIRUS:       Any living thing that is smaller than
      bacteria, that causes the spread of infections disease.  It can only be seen with the use of microscope.
      v.       SEROLOGICAL TEST FOR HIV:                Blood test
      that allows the presence of anti bodies to HIV in the body to be dictated.
      ABORTION:         Removal   of unwanted child out of her
      mothers’ womb
      IMPOTENCY:       Inability of a man to impregnate a
      woman due to the destruction of the manhood by sexually transmitted disease(s).
      PRE – MARITAL SEX:  Sex before marriage
      RACE:         Different type of people living in the world
      INFERTILITY:     Inability to bear a child or children.
      LYPHOCYTE:      A group of white blood cells that helps to
      prevent infections from spreading
      ANTI-BODY:       This is an organism that is not a part of
      the body but was being introduced to that body
      PERINATAL:        This simply means mother
      HOMO-SEXUALITY:    This is sexual intercourse between
      persons of the same sex e.g male to male.
      LESBIANISM:      Sexual intercourse between people of
      the same sex eg female to female
      HETERO SEXUALITY:This is a sexual intercourse
      between persons of opposite sex, example female to male.
      INFECTION:         An inversion of the body (entry) of a
      disease causing organism
      CONDOM:            A preservative or “rubber” sheath
      (usually made of latex) used to cover the penis or virgin by women during sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy or to protect against disease.
      MOD OF TRANSMISSION:    This is simply the way at
      which a disease or disease can be transferred over from a carrier to a non carrier.    
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The entire project work/study talks about the full meaning of the STDS.  The causes of the sexually transmitted diseases were found out to be virus and bacteria which can be transmitted from one person to another predominantly through sexual contact.  The scope of the study was also special and federal medical center Umuahia (FMC) was used as a case study.  One of the studies carried out by Dr. A.U. Mbanuso at the Federal Medical center Umuahia 1990 – 1993.  His result showed that the ... Continue reading---