Statistical Analysis Of Coal Production In Nigeria (1990-1999)
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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The great diversity of form and chemical composition among the coal
ranks is due to principally to the essential differences in the plant
material from which they have evolved.
Nigerian coal corporation
information manual (1997) described Nigeria coal as being mainly
sub-bituminous steam coals with low sulphur and ash contents.
are characterized by high colorific value and high volatile components
and are found to be environmentally friendly for this reason, Nigeria
coals have great potential for export with current expert demand
standing at 15 million metric tones per annumâ€
Coal can be minded by
either surface coper pit or open cast or underground system. Surface
mining consist essentially of removing the overburden this exposing the
mine and then extracting the coal. The system is being adopted at our
Okaba Coal mine Access to underground mine is either by “shaft†or Adit.
A shaft may be a rectangular or circular hole driven from the surface
to the coal seam of reason able size to allow the use of equipments for
conveyance of both men and materials shafts are not used in Nigeria Coal
fields. The methods of working horizontally or moderately inclined
seams are known as Adit method.
Iwu (1990) observed that “a high
incidence of extractable waxy and resinous materials make Nigerian Coal
more amenable to utilization in the chemical industries especially as
source of resins, plastics and aromatics. “Nigerian Coal are not only
useful in chemical industries, it can also be used in thermal power
station for electricity generations as domestic fuel as alternative to
fire word thus ensuring a stop to deforestation with the consequent
desertification and soil erosion as metallurgical coke for iron and
steel industry.
The Coal industry has had one of the most cheques of
histories in Nigeria. It was at one time one of the major foreign
exchange earners in the country but in the recent past has not made any
significant input t the economy.
Iwu (199) summarized the factors that contributed to the deteriorated state of the Coal industry as follows.
“The civil was of 1967 to 1970 which left all the coal mine shut down flooded and all the equipment dilapidated.
rapid development and total dependence in oil industry and latterly the
has industry in preference to coal for all the entry needs of the
The growing concern on the environment at impact of fossil fuel utilization especially coal.
of conscious, co-ordinated and concerted effort between the various
arms of government toward an integrated development of the mineral
resources in the country.
There is not yet a comprehensive energy
policy for Nigeria, which will stipulate strategy for developing various
energy resources and rationalization of energy production and
distribution to ensure a balanced energy mix for the country.
Inspite of all these problems, it is clear that the enormous potential of Nigerian coal is unquestionable.
(1997) observes that “the annual demand for Nigerian Coal at the export
market is 120 million tones while domestic demand for it stand at 170
million tones†The coal industry can, if properly harnessed generated
the much needed foreign exchange in billion of Dollars for the country.
It is note worthy that the present administration in recognition of this
is decidedly playing a vital role to ensure that coal is re-integrated
in to the energy matrix of Nigeria, through increased production and
export as well as large scale utilization.
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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