• Statistical Analysis Of Prevalence Malnutrition On Children Zero To Five Years

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      What really instigated the study was the increased mortality of children under the ages of five (5) as a result of malnutrition; about 50 percent of the citizens in Nigeria are low income earners, it is evident from World Bank found that, from 1970 to 2000, the number of malnourished children decreased by 20 percent in developing countries. Some the other problems discovered are in the areas of lack of iodine intake by pregnant mothers before child birth, lack of minerals, calcium vitamins has seen to be a major clog on the wheels of child growth and development. In Nigeria today, there has been lack of nutritional education in most of the hospitals to educate pregnant mothers on how to feed before child birth.
      The main aim of the research work is to carry out a statistical analysis of the prevalence of malnutrition on children Zero to five years. Other specific aims of the study include:
      To examine the effect and causes of malnutrition among children from Zero to Five years of age
      To examine the relationship between malnutrition and child mortality rate in Nigeria
      To identify the strategies for reducing malnutrition in children from zero to five years
      To examine the effect of parent income on child care and malnutrition among children from Zero to Five years old
      To proffer solution to the above stated problems
      The study came up with research questions so as to be able to ascertain the above stated objectives. The specific research questions are stated below as follows:
      What is the effect and causes of malnutrition among children from Zero to Five years of age?
      What is the relationship between malnutrition and child mortality rate in Nigeria?
      What are the strategies for reducing malnutrition in children from zero to five years?
      Does parent income have any effect on child care and malnutrition among children from Zero to Five years old?
      H0: there is no significant relationship between malnutrition and child mortality rate in Nigeria
      H1: there is significant relationship between malnutrition and child mortality rate in Nigeria
      H0: length for age and weight for age does not influence mortality rate among children from Zero to Five years as a result of malnutrition
      H1: length for age and weight for age influences mortality rate among children from Zero to Five years as a result of malnutrition

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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