• Time Series Analysis Of Patient Attendance

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      1.1    INTRODUCTION
       University of Uyo Teaching Hospital since its inception in 1994 has received considerable amount of people, for treatment medical advice, family planning and a host of other reason. Different categories of people have patronized the hospital for its efficiency.
      It is therefore in the best interest of the researcher to use his or her knowledge of statistic application is the attendance of ill health (patients) attending the hospital. It does not and here the research as will look forward to classifying, arranging and recording the monthly, quarterly, annual, bi-annual attendance of patients in the hospital.
      In an attempt to introduce efficient methods and routine towards comparing the total attendance of, in and out patient this in general comprises of male, female and children patient attending the hospital.
      To crown it all, it shall be in form of data (secondary, primary data) depending on the set of people wishing to use it and purpose or criterion behind using the research, the data collected will be analysis organized, summarized and compiled. Since hospital patronage is consistent and continuous process, it will be an efficient data collection, centres and will promote statistical application and voluminous data i.e. moving average and time series analysis.
      1.2    AIMS OF OBJECTIVE
      To determine whether there is an increase or decrease in patients’ attendance.
      To forecast the patient attendance by using linear trend method
      To forecast for patient attendance using the fitted trend equation from 2008 to 2012

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The aim of this project is to examine the trend at which patients attends the hospital over the period of study. The study therefore, shows the usefulness of statistics to medicine and hence advice had always been sought by medical and health administrators from the Department of Statistics on the analysis and interpretation of medical data. The work is presented in five chapters. The first chapter being the introduction, the second chapter is the review of related literature where views of vari ... Continue reading---