• Statistical Analysis Of The Federal Government’s Expenditure And Revenue

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • The revenue generated from various sectors of the economy is spent on:
      1.     Administration which comprises of:
      a.     General administration
      b.     Defence
      c.      Internal security
      d.     National assembly
      2.     Economic services which include
      a.     Agriculture
      b.     Roads and construction
      c.      Transport and communication
      d.     Other economic services
      3.     Social and community services which are:
      a.     Education
      b.     Health
      c.      Others
      4.     Transfers
      a.     Public debt charges
      b.     Domestic
      c.      Foreign
      d.     Pension and gratuities
      e.      F.C.T and others
      The National Bureau of statistics (NBS) has a humble beginning starting in 1928 as a statistics unit in the office of the colonial secretary in the cabinet secretariat of British Colonial administration.
      In 1947 a more focused reorganization took place with the establishment of a statistics section in the department of customs and exercise which later metamorphosed into a full pledged department of statistics.
      In 1949, the departments responsibilities were expanded to form the nucleus of a centralized national statistics office for the country with the adoption of the federal system of government in 1968 central and the regional government had their statistics establishments incorporated into a decentralized National Statistics System (NSS). A legal frame work for statistics operation in Nigeria was unable with the statistics act of 1937. The act gave backing for a decentralized statistical system but advocated collaboration between the central and regional statistical office in addition to co-ordinate their activities.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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