• Frauds In Nigeria Banks :analysis And Solutions

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    •   This work is designed to examine the assessment of the role of the mass media in anti-corruption campaign. It is organized into five very instructive chapters.
                  Chapter one deals with the background, statement of the problems, research questions and hypotheses, assumptions and limitation of the study among other things. Chapter two is devoted to the review of relevant materials in the area of study. Chapter three contains the methodology while chapter four concentrated on data analysis and the results of the findings. Also chapter five gives a brief summary of the work.
              Through these chapters, the objectives of the study was in that the researcher not only found that the mass media are indispensable but they are also powerful in their influence.

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]CHAPTER ONE1.1       INTRODUCTION            The commercial world today has been devastated by random breaches of business ethics. This has resulted to rampant occurrence of white collar crimes committed mostly by top and highly educated professional personnel, these crimes are sometimes euphemistically dubbed, executive dishonesty crimes like improper waiver of interest on loans, fraudulent false accounting, falsification, computer fraud, dishonesty, classification ... Continue reading---