• Frauds In Nigeria Banks :analysis And Solutions

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      1.1       INTRODUCTION
                  The commercial world today has been devastated by random breaches of business ethics. This has resulted to rampant occurrence of white collar crimes committed mostly by top and highly educated professional personnel, these crimes are sometimes euphemistically dubbed, executive dishonesty crimes like improper waiver of interest on loans, fraudulent false accounting, falsification, computer fraud, dishonesty, classification of debts as bad debt or irrecoverable, non-disclosure of vital interest by executive, and other financial malpractices, fall into this category.
                  Furthermore, the government has responded by churning out laws with constant regularity in a bid to meet the challenges posed by these problems. One of such problems is the incidence of fraud in financial institutions especially Nigeria banks. This has attracted at least three major legislation in the past few years. All these relevant enactments will be examined in this project.
                  It is a notorious fact that frauds are mostly masterminded by insiders, at times in concert with outsiders. They are mostly discovered by tip offs from other staff who feel left out or by accident. Rarely do normal official checks reveal such earth shattering fraudulent scams that are big concern of the financial world.
                  Moreso, there is need to arrive at an acceptable constitution for the word “fraud” and to deepen our understanding by paying some respect to the statutory construction of financial institution like Nigeria banks.
                  Having dealt with the general situation of things ion our banking industries, the research work is therefore aimed at pointing out the major causes of fraud in Nigeria banks etc. effects on the Nigeria economy commercial world, individuals especially the depositors (customers of the banks) after the research must have been carried out the above, the researcher then recommended the measures to be taken in order to prevent and minimize the incidence of fraud in Nigeria banks. It should be noted that no bank, big or small is immune  from fraudulent particles. However, bankers should have it as the back of their minds that dignity and hard work are not the only thing required but integrity is also required.
      1.2       OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
                  The objective of this study is to enable us know that for any financial institution like bank to be on the move in respect of growth ion the economy, there is need to work out possible solutions that can put a stop to fraudulent practices or bring it to a minimal level
                  In a nutshell, this project is designed for the following.
      To determine the rate and the extent of fraud in the banking industry in Nigeria.
      To bring to light some of the ceases of fraud in our banking sectors.
      To highlight on the dangers/menace of fraud in Nigeria banks
      To discover the likely procedure that will enable us determine fraudulent practices nad possible ways of tackling them.
      To examine critically the management and government measures as regards to the possible checking of fraud and preventive measures.
      To render some recommendations and suggest possible solutions on the best way fraud could be brought to a minimal.
                  The study enhances various examinations of the techniques usually employed by the fraudsters. It is structured for all classes who may want to invest in banking industry especially in Nigeria. Bad performance and incompetent discharge of duty as a result of this category’s activities (who are employed by the management) when properly examined will be a contributory to the growth in banking industry. When all measures are strictly adhered to it would go a long ways in bringing fraud to a minimal.
                  The research work is to enable all and sundry such as: the shareholders, the insurance companies and the management to benefit, the customers so as to rebuild and reverse the already lost confidence of the public and the parties involved in the banking industry. This will enhance rapid growth in the banking industry which will enhance rapid growth in the banking industry which will in-turn enhance the development of this nation Nigeria

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]  This work is designed to examine the assessment of the role of the mass media in anti-corruption campaign. It is organized into five very instructive chapters.            Chapter one deals with the background, statement of the problems, research questions and hypotheses, assumptions and limitation of the study among other things. Chapter two is devoted to the review of relevant materials in the area of study. Chapter three contains the methodology while chapter four concentrated on ... Continue reading---