• Frauds In Nigeria Banks :analysis And Solutions

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • 1.7       DEFINITION OF TERMS
                  In explaining fraud as an element of some other officers, the criminal code ascribes it as a situation correlation with deceit. But a workable definition can be traced to the Osborne’s concise law Dictionary (6th edition). Thus fraud can be seen as the obtaining of material advantage by unfair or wrong means. This may be either by way of abuse of entrusted reasonability by convert of overt  deceit. In a liberal sense fraud may be used as an umbrella term to cover almost all classes of white collar crimes known to law and business.
                  Fraud can also be defined as one type of irregularity. It is usually reflect to irregularities involving the use of criminal deception to obtain unjust or illegal advantages (by Okorie Onovo, ACAS, understanding Auditing and Investigation.)
                  Fraud can also said to be conscious premeditated action of a gang of persons with the intention of altering the truth or fact for selfish personal monetary reward. This involves the use of deceit  and tricks and sometime highly intelligent or cunning methods. This action usually takes the form of signing of documents and authorizing signature outright theft. (by Adeewumi 1986)
                  There are so many definitions of fraud but the researcher decided to present just three definitions. All definitions seemed to be correct but the former that of that of Osborne’s concise law Dictionary (6th Edition|) contains elements of frauds appropriately and adequately for the purpose of this research work.
                  These tow impact element are
                  That for a fraud to take place, there must be obtaining of material advantage wrongly
                  There must be abuse of entrusted responsibility or convert of overt deceit that means that in this case a party is exposed to losses while the other part gains
                  It will be of great importance to briefly mention on the occurrence of fraud to answer the question WHEN DOES FRAUD ARISE?
                  Fraud arises when a person in a position of trust and responsibility breaks the rule and regulations to advance his personal interest at expense of the public interest he has been entrusted to guard and promote. It also arises when a person through deceit trick or highly intelligent curing gains an advantage he could not otherwise have gained through lawful, just or normal process.
                  Fraud is a mater of individual choice and opportunity. As human beings the individual takes the advantage if there is opportunity and possible means of getting away with it.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]  This work is designed to examine the assessment of the role of the mass media in anti-corruption campaign. It is organized into five very instructive chapters.            Chapter one deals with the background, statement of the problems, research questions and hypotheses, assumptions and limitation of the study among other things. Chapter two is devoted to the review of relevant materials in the area of study. Chapter three contains the methodology while chapter four concentrated on ... Continue reading---